Kick-off meeting – Moscow, Dec 2016

GREB Start Up meeting took place from 5 december to 6 december 2016 at Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. After the welcome speech and the thanks of the Rector, Prof. Andrey Volkov, to all foreign delegations attending the meeting and the speech of Dr. Anna Muravyova, Deputy Director of Russion National Erasmus+ Office, Prof. Anna Tozzi, Pro-Rector of International Relations at University and main project coordinator stepped in focusing, first of all, the main aims of the meeting: to define working groups among partner universities; to remove all finacial obstacles to the transfer of project budget.

The Coordinators then passed through the explanation of the Project Work Plan and the related Work Packages for defing the distribution of tasks among the partners.

The afternoon session of 5 december was aimed to the definition of the working groups at each partner university, the composition of the Steering Committee and, at last, the explanation of some administrative rules for the correct management of the project budget.

In the morning session of 6 december, there was the detailed presentation of the Rules underlining the Financial management of Erasmus Plus – CBHE project Grants. Dr. Marco Calabrese (University of L’Aquila) went through the whole presentation for the management of Grants (TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET is Euros 999,656.00), closing the meeting with the explanation of the finacial reporting rules, providing further explanation by answering several specific questions asked by the project partners and summarizing the main urgent tasks to carry out.

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